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Assessment Technology of Risk and Risk Tradeoff in Protecting Health and Environment
Dr. Bin-Le LIN / Research Institute for Science of Safety and Sustainability, AIST, Japan
9:30am, Nov 25,2019
A226, CEE


Post Doctoral (4/1998–3/2001) in Department of Chemical Engineering,  Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan

Ph.D. (10/1994–3/1998) in Environmental Chemical Engineering,Tokyo   University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Working Experience (2008-)

Chief Senior Research Scientist (10/2015–present)

Research Institute for Science of Safety and Sustainability, AIST, Japan.

Chief Manager (10/2014–9/2015)

Collaboration Promotion and International Affairs Division, AIST, Japan

Senior Research Scientist (4/2008–9/2014)

Research Institute for Science of Safety and Sustainability, AIST, Japan


Technology of risk assessment and risk tradeoff analysis is very essential in protecting health and environment. As one of the member of the brainpower to support Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan from 2001, I mainly focus on researches on methodology and tool development on risk and risk tradeoff assessment and management of chemicals and new energy such as biomass energy and ammonia hydrogen energy. We have provided solutions to the needs of Japan society, and have contributed to policy making, and international standardization. Today, I am honor to be here to share and to discuss with you some of my representative research outcomes. Thank you very much for your kind invitation.


