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Coastal Regions under Urbanization and SDGs: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon / Asian Institute of Technology
9:30-11:00am, Nov 15, 2019
A233, CEE

Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon is an Associate Professor of Department of Development and Sustainability, under School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). He is a Visiting Faculty of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology in Vietnam and also of Xiamen University in China. He has academic background in engineering, economics and systems management, with a PhD degree (in Engineering and Systems Management) from University of Pittsburgh, USA (in 1994).

His areas of specialization and research interest include: systems approach and management for urban sustainability, urban competiveness and resilience, climate change and urbanization, waste recycling and management, strategic water and infrastructure development, and sustainability and impact assessment.

In terms of project experiences, he has contributed to development and management of several projects from conception to completion, including integrated or multi-disciplinary researches for international, regional, national and local scales - supported by UNEP, UNESCAP, WB, ADB, USAID, CIDA, SIDA, MOFAID, MRC, and JICA, etc.

He is editorial board members of several international journals, and has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and conference papers and book chapters - including Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Resource Conservation and Recycling, Waste Management, etc.

