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Microbial methane oxidation under hypoxic condition
9:30am, Dec 04, 2020
A239, CEE

2008.09 - 2012.06 Hunan Agricultural University Bachelor degree                                             

2012.09 - 2015.06 Hunan University & Chinese Academy of Sciences Master degree
2014.10 - 2014.12 Tuebingen University (Germany, Andreas Kappler) Visiting student              

2015.09 - 2018.12 Institute  of  Urban Environment, CAS (Feng  Zhao) PhD degree
2016.10 - 2017.11 University of Washington (USA, Mary Lidstrom) Joint student

Five selected papers (since from 2016)  
1. Liu, J.#; Zheng, Y.#; Hong, Z.; Cai, K.; Zhao, F.*; Han, H.*, Microbial synthesis of highly dispersed PdAualloy for enhanced electrocatalysis. Science Advances 2016, 2, (9), e1600858. (# Co-first author)
2. Zheng, Y.; Huang, J.; Zhao, F.; Chistoserdova, L.*, Physiological effect of  XoxG(4) on lanthanidedependent  methanotrophy. mBio2018, 9, (2), e02430-17.
3. Zheng, Y.#; Wang, H.#; Liu, Y.; Zhu, B.; Li, J.; Yang, Y.; Qin, W.; Chen, L.; Wu, X.; Chistoserdova, L.; Zhao, F.*, Methane-dependent mineral reduction by aerobic methanotrophsunder hypoxia. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2020, 7, 606-612. (# Co-first author)
4.Zheng, Y.; Kappler, A.; Xiao, Y.; Yang, F.; Mahadeva, G. D.; Zhao, F.*, Redox-activehumicssupport interspecies syntrophy and shift microbial community. Science China Technological  Sciences 2019, 62, (10), 1695-1702.
5. Qin W.#; Zheng, Y.#; Zhao, F., et al. Alternative strategies of nutrient acquisition and energy conservation map to the biogeography of marine ammonia-oxidizing archaea. The ISME journal  2020, 14, (10), 2595-2609. (# Co-first author)
