Baohui Jin, Xiuwen Zhou, Karyne M. Rogers, Binqing Yi, Xuehai Bian, Zhi Yan, Haiquan Chen, Haichao Zhou, Liqi Xie, Haiquan Chen, Guanghui Lin, Hao Wu *, A stable isotope and chemometric framework to distinguish fresh milk from reconstituted milk powder and detect potential extraneous nitrogen additives. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022, 104441.
Hao Wu, Xiuwen Zhou, Haiquan Chen, Baohui Jin, Zhi Yan, Liqi Xie, Haichao Zhou, Karyne M.Rogers, Guanghui Lin. A comparative authentication study of fresh fruit and vegetable juices using whole juice and sugar-specific stable isotopes. Food Chemistry, 2021, 373: 131535.
Xiuwen Zhou, Zhi Yan, Baohui Jin, Yingying Wu, Liqi Xie, Haiquan Chen, Guanghui Lin, Yan Zhao, Karyne M. Rogers*, Hao Wu*. Origin verification of imported infant formula and fresh milk into China using stable isotope and elemental chemometrics. Food Control, 2021, 128: 108165.
Xiuwen Zhou, Hao Wu*, Jiarong Pan, Haiquan Chen, Baohui Jin, Zhi Yan, Liqi Xie, Karyne Rogers*. Geographical traceability of south-east Asian durian: A chemometric study using stable isotopes and elemental compositions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2021, 101: 103940.
Hao Wu, Guanghui Lin, Bo Chen, Baohui Jin, Bin Tian, Liqi Xie, Karyne M Rogers*. Origin verification of French red wines imported into China using isotope and elemental analyses coupled with chemometrics. Food Chemistry, 2021, 399: 127760.
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Hao Wu, Zhenhu Ding, Yang Liu, Jinling Liu, Haiyu Yan, Jiayong Pan, Liuqiang Li, Huina Lin, Guanghui Lin, Haoliang Lu. Methylmercury and sulfate-reducing bacteria in mangrove sediments from Jiulong River Estuary, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23(1): 14-21.
吴浩. 葡萄酒真伪鉴别技术. 见:谢丽琪. 进口葡萄酒检验与真伪鉴别. 化学工业出版社, 2015.
New Zealand – China Food Protection Network Seed Funding, 2020-2021, Origin and traceability of New Zealand wines in China, 主持
国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2018-2020, 基于氢氧同位素分馏与元素迁移的葡萄酒产地溯源机制研究(31701699),主持
科技部质量共性技术研发项目(NQI), 258万元, 特色髙值农产品产地判别技术研究(2017YFF0211302),参与
中国博士后基金, , 2014-2015, 葡萄酒发酵过程中C、H和O稳定同位素的分馏效应(2014M562196),主持
New Zealand – China Food Protection Network Seed Funding, 2020-2021, Origin and traceability of New Zealand wines in China, PI
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018-2020, The mechanism of wine origin traceability based on hydrogen and oxygen isotope fractionation and elemental transportations (31701699), PI
National Key R&D Program (NQI), 2017-2021, Research on the origin identification technology of special high value agricultural products (2017YFF0211302), participation
China Postdoctoral Fund, 2014-2015, Fractionation effects of C, H and O stable isotopes during wine fermentation (2014M562196), PI