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南强重点岗位教授 博导


  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网 特聘教授(2017-)

  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网 教授2007-)

  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网 副教授(2001-2007)

  • 新西兰Landcare研究所 博士后(2001-2003)

  • 香港浸会大学 访问学者(2001)

  • 加拿大Nova Scotia农业学院 访问学者(1999)

  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网 博士后(1998-2001)

  • Distinguished Professor, Xiamen University (2007- )

  • Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2001-2007)

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Landcare Research, New Zealand (2001-2003)

  • Research Associate, Hong Kong Baptist University (2001)

  • Visiting Scholar, Nova Scotia Agricultural College (1999)

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow,Xiamen University (1998-2001)


  • 城市生态安全;河流生态学;河流与近海生物地球化学过程;水文与水资源;流域生态过程;GIS应用等

  • Urban ecological security; River Ecology; Coastal Biogeochemical Processes; Hydrology; Catchment Ecology; GIS and Its Applications



  • 曹文志,朱鹤健,福建省农业生态系统的特性与调控,北京∶中国农业出版社 (ISBN 7-109-06209-0/S·4053),2000.4

  • 洪华生,张玉珍,曹文志,九龙江五川流域农业非点源污染研究,北京:科学出版社 (ISBN 978-7-03-018270-8),2007.1

  • 洪华生,黄金良,曹文志,九龙江流域农业非点源污染机理与控制研究,北京:科学出版社 (ISBN 978-7-03-020947-4),2008.1

  • 丁振华,曹文志,李振基,欧阳通,王佳,王飞飞,庄敏,陈娟,观山湖区生态文明示范城市先行区建设实施规划报告,澳门十大赌博正规官网出版社 (ISBN 978-7-5615-5575-0),2015.6


  1. Cao, D., W. Cao*, K. Yu, G. Wu, J. Yang, X. Su, and F. Wang, 2017, Evaluation of anthropogenic influences on the Luhuitou fringing reef via spatial and temporal analyses (from isotopic values), Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122: 4431-4443.

  2. Wenzhi Cao*, Qingsong Guan, Ying Li, Min Wang, Baoli Liu, 2017. The contribution of denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation to N2 production in mangrove sediments in Southeast China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 17: 1967-1776.

  3. Gaojie Wu, Wenzhi Cao*, Lusan Liu, Feifei Wang, 2017. Water pollution management in China: recent incidents and proposed improvements. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2017.139.

  4. Liu, B., Cao, W.*, Li, Y. 2017. Evaluation of turf grid porous pavements for urban storm water management in Xiamen Island, Southeast China. Sustainable Water Resource Management, DOI: 10.1007/s40899-017-0147-y.

  5. Gaojie Wu, Wenzhi Cao*, Zheng Huang, Chih-Ming Kao, Chang-Tang Chang, Pen-Chi Chiang, Feifei Wang, 2017. Decadal changes in nutrient fluxes and environmental effects in the Jiulong River Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin (DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.01.071).

  6. Yu-Jung Lin, Wen-Zhi Cao, Tong Ouyang, Bor-Yann Chen*, Chang-Tang Chang, 2017. Developing sustainable graphene-doped titanium nano tube coated to superparamagnetic nanoparticles for arsenic recovery. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 70: 311-318.

  7. Ou-Po Chen, Yu-Jung Lin*, Wen-Zhi Cao*, Chang-Tang Chang, 2017. Arsenic removal with phosphorene and adsorption in solution. Materials Letters. 190: 280-282.

  8. Cao W. Z.*, Yang J. X., Li Y., Liu B.L., Chang C. T. and Wang F. F., 2016. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium conserves N in an anthropogenically impacted sub−tropical mangrove sediments, Southeast China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 110:155-161.

  9. Di Cao, Wenzhi Cao*, Ying Liang, Zheng Huang, 2016. Nutrient variations and isotopic evidences of particulate organic matter provenance in fringing reefs, South China. Science of the Total Environment. 566–567: 378–386.

  10. Chien C.C., Yang Z.H., Cao W.Z., Tu Y.T., Kao C.M., 2016. Application of an aquatic plant ecosystem for swine wastewater polishment: a full-scale study. Desalination and Water Treatment. 57: 21243–21252.

  11. Wenzhi Cao*, Zheng Huang, Weidong Zhai, Ying Li, Huasheng Hong, 2015. Isotopic evidence on multiple sources of nitrogen in the northern Jiulong River, Southeast China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 163: 37–43.

  12. Chen, J.S., Cao, W.Z.*, Cao, D., Huang, Z., Liang, Y., 2015. Nitrogen Loading and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a River with Multiple Hydroelectric Reservoirs. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 94: 633–639.

  13. Chen, J.S., Cao, W.Z.*, Li, Y., Cao, D., Wang, F.F., 2015. Estimating nitrous oxide emission flux from arable lands in China using improved background emission and fertilizer-induced emission factors. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 6: 343–350.

  14. Di Cao, Wenzhi Cao*, Jing Fang, Longyan Cai, 2014. Nitrogen and phosphorus losses from agricultural systems in China: A meta-analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 85: 727–732.

  15. Li, Y., Cao, W.Z.*, Su, C.X., Hong, H.S., 2011. Nutrient sources and composition of recent algal blooms and eutrophication in the northern Jiulong River, Southeast China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 63:249–254.

  16. Jiang, W.Z., Cao, W.Z. *, Hong, H.S., 2011. ENSO-related variability of monthly mean streamflow for the Jiulong River in Fujian Province, Southeast China. Proceedings of CDCIEM 2011. Changsha, Hunan, China.

  17. Li, Y., Cao, W.Z.*, 2010. Estimates of nitrous oxide emission fluxes from different land uses/covers in China. Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering.

  18. Cao, W.*, Bowden, W.B., Davie, T. and Fenemor, A., 2009. Modelling impacts of land cover change on critical water resources in the Motueka River catchment, New Zealand. Water Resources Management. 23: 137–151.

  19. Cao, W., Wong, M.H.*, 2007. Current status of coastal zone issues and management in China: A review. Environment International. 33: 985–992.

  20. Cao, W. and Wang, J., 2007. Assessing nitrate leaching with GLEAMS model in an agricultural catchment in southeast China. IAHS Publication. 311: 325–330.

  21. Cao, W., Davie, T., Fenemor, A. and Bowden, W.B., 2007. Reply to comment on “Cao W, Bowden BW, Davie T, Fenemor A. 2006. ‘Multi-variable and multi-site calibration and validation of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial variability”. Hydrological Processes. 21: 3229–3230.

  22. Cao, W.*, Zhu, H., Chen, S., 2007. Impacts of urbanization on topsoil nutrient balances – a case study at a provincial scale from Fujian, China. CATENA. 69: 36–43.

  23. Cao, W., Bowden, B.W., Davie, T.*, Fenemor, A., 2006. Multi-variable and multi-site calibration and validation of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial variability. Hydrological Processes. 20: 1057–1073.

  24. Cao, W.*, Hong, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, N., Zeng, Y., Wang, W., 2006. Anthropogenic nitrogen sources and exports in a village-scale catchment in southeast China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 28: 45–51.

  25. T1515Cao, W., Hong, H., Zhang, Y. and Yue, S., 2006. Nitrogen sources and exports in agricultural catchments: A nested catchment comparison. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 9(1): 9–13.

  26. Chen, N., Hong, H., Cao, W., Zhang, Y., Zeng, Y. and Wang, W., 2006. Assessment of management practices in a small agricultural watershed in Southeast China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A. 41: 1257–1269.

  27. Cao, W.*, Hong, H., Yue, S., 2005. Modelling agricultural nitrogen contributions to the Jiulong River estuary and coastal water. Global and Planetary Change. 47: 111–121.

  28. Cao, W., Hong, H., Yu,e S, Ding, Y. and Zhang, Y., 2004. Nutrient export patterns from an agricultural catchment in southeast China. IAHS Publication. 289: 336–342.

  29. Cao, W., Hong, H., Yue, S, Ding, Y. and Zhang, Y., 2003. Nutrient loss from an agricultural catchment and soil landscape modelling in southeast China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 71: 761–767.

  30. Cao, W., Bowden, W.B., Davie, T. and Fenemor, A., 2004. Application of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial variability. TWRI Technical Report 266: 38–63.

  31. Cao W., Hong H., Zhang Y., Ding Y., 2004. Nutrient export patterns from an agricultural catchment in southeast China. In: Chen Y. (Eds), GIS & RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment. Sun Yat-sen University Press.

  32. Hong H., Cao W., 2001. Preliminary biogeochemical budget in Jiulong river estuary system. LOICZ Reports and Studies No 16. Netherlands, 41-44.

  33. 潘文俊,曹文志*,王飞飞,陈劲松,曹娣,基于水足迹理论的九龙江流域水资源评价,资源科学,2012.10.15,34(10):1905~1912.

  34. 李颖,曹文志.*,张玉珍,李文权,苏彩霞,王飞飞,陈克华,2012,九龙江流域上游浅水湖泊富营养化机制,中国环境科学,32(5):906-911.

  35. 王飞飞,曹文志*,李颖,苏彩霞,陈劲松,中国东南地区源头溪流五川流域的氮饱和特征,亚热带资源与环境学报,2012.6.15,7(2):36~40.

  36. 方婧,曹文志*,苏彩霞,2011,南方丘陵地区竹林河岸系统的氮矿化、反硝化作用研究,环境科学学报,31(12):2822-2829.

  37. 蒋文志,曹文志*,冯砚艳,方婧,李颖,2010,我国区域间生物入侵的现状及防治,生态学杂志,29(7):1451-1457.

  38. 王吉苹,曹文志*,朱木兰,王巧稚,黄一山,2009,五川源头溪流系统氮的迁移和转化,生态学报,29(1):351-358.


  • 水文学/Hydrology

  • 水文与水环境/Hydrology and Aquatic Environment

  • GIS在环境科学中的应用/Geographic Information System and its Application in Environmental Science

  • 地理信息系统概论/Introduction to Geographic Information System


  • 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0502900),闽三角城市群生态安全保障及海岸带生态修复技术,2016/07-2020/06,项目负责人。

  • 福建省财政厅项目,福建省综合性生态保护补偿试点实施方案项目,2016-2017,项目负责人。

  • 福建省环保厅项目,九龙江北溪水源地锰的来源分布、转化机制及污染防控研究,2016-2017,项目主要参与者。

  • 福建省发改委项目,福建省碳基准价格研究,子课题一福建省经济能源与碳排放行业特征及国内外碳交易体系关键要素分析,2016,项目主要参与者。

  • 国家重点技术研究发展973计划项目“南海珊瑚礁对多尺度热带海洋环境变化的响应、记录与适应对策研究”(2013CB956100)课题“南海珊瑚礁生态现状及其海洋环境调控研究”(2013CB956101),2013/01-2017/08。

  • 环保公益性行业科研专项(201309007),入海河口区水质标准和水环境质量评价方法研究,2013-2015,子项目主持人。

  • 国家自然科学基金项目(41175130),农业溪流系统氧化亚氮产生、释放与系统的硝化、反硝化过程,2012-2015,项目主持人。

  • 国家自然科学基金(40810069004),九龙江流域-河口-近海系统耦合变动及环境生态效应,2009-2011,项目主要参与者。

  • 国家自然科学基金项目(40671116),河岸植被土壤系统对面源污染削减和净化机制研究和系统优化,2007-2009,项目主持人。

  • 福建省科技厅自然科学基金重点项目(D0720002),河岸植被土壤系统对面源污染削减和净化机制研究和技术,2007-2010,项目主持人。

  • 龙岩市政府项目,龙岩市生态文明示范市规划,2014-2015,项目主持人。

  • 长汀县政府项目,汀江生态走廊建设总体规划,2013-2014,项目主持人。

  • 福建省环境保护局项目,环境保护效益最大化研究-以九龙江流域水环境保护为例,2007.1-2008.3,项目主持人。

  • 福建省环保厅项目,福建省九龙江、闽江和敖江流域水环境保护“十二五”总体规划,2010-2011。

  • 福建省环保厅项目,闽江流域水环境容量估算研究,2010-2013。

  • 福建省环保厅“福建省重点流域水环境综合管理研究”重点项目子项目之一,九龙江流域畜禽养殖容量研究,2012-2014。

  • 福建省环保厅项目,福建省“十二五”水环境的重点问题与演变趋势,2010-2011。

  • 福建省环保厅项目,九龙江流域水环境容量估算研究,2009-2010。

  • 龙岩市环境保护局项目,苏溪河流域水体综合治理规划,2008.1-2008.10,项目主持人。

  • 厦门市经济发展局项目,厦门市首批循环经济项目示范性评估,2007.5-2007.11,项目主持人。

  • 福建省环保局项目,九龙江流域水环境与生态环境“十一五”规划,2005-2006,项目主持人。

  • 国家自然科学基金项目(40301045),九龙江流域农业非点源污染的模拟与定量估算,2004-2006,项目主持人。

  • 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,九龙江流域水土和氮磷流失的定量评价,2004-2005,项目主持人。

  • 福建省环保局重点项目,九龙江流域水污染与生态破坏综合整治绩效评估,2004-2005,项目主持人。

  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网引进人才基金,流域生物地球化学模型的发展概况以及在我国的适用性分析,2004-2005,项目主持人。

  • 福建省自然科学基金,九龙江流域的N、P流失机理及其模拟与管理,2001-2002,项目主持人。


  • 2005年,入选澳门十大赌博正规官网第六批“青年骨干教师重点培养项目计划

  • 2006年,入选福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划

  • 2006年,环境保护科学技术奖三等奖,国家环保总局,九龙江流域水环境污染和生态破坏综合整治绩效评估

  • 2007年,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

  • 2007年,澳门十大赌博正规官网2007年度校庆“清源”科研奖

  • 2009年,环境保护科学技术奖三等奖,国家环保部,水环境保护投入效益最大化研究

  • 2009年,福建省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,福建省人民政府,水环境保护投入效益最大化研究

  • 2009年,福建省科学技术奖二等奖,福建省人民政府,九龙江流域农业非点源污染机理与控制研究
