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南强特聘教授 博导 澳门十大赌博正规官网环境科学研究中心主任
邮箱:dshi AT xmu.edu.cn


  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网 生物学学士(2000)

  • 普林斯顿大学 地球科学博士(2011)

  • 普林斯顿大学 博士后(2011.7–2011.09)

  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网 教授(2012.3-2013.8)

  • 澳门十大赌博正规官网 特聘教授 (2013.9-至今)

  • BS, Biology, Xiamen University (2000)

  • PhD, Geoscience, Princeton University (2011)

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University (2011.7–2011.09)

  • Professor, Xiamen University (2012.3-2013.8)

  • Chair Professor, Xiamen University (2013.9-present)


  • 痕量金属在碳、氮、磷的海洋生物地球化学循环中的作用

  • 海洋浮游植物对全球变化的生理生态响应及其机理

  • Role of trace metals in marine biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus

  • Physiological and ecological response of marine phytoplankton to global change


  1. Li W., Sunda W.G., Lin W., Hong H., Shi D.* 2020. The effect  of cell size on cellular Zn and Cd and Zn-Cd-CO2  co-limitation of growth rate in marine diatoms. Limnology  and Oceanography doi:10.1002/lno.11561  

  2. Luo Y.-W.*#, Shi D.*#, Kranz S.A., Hopkinson B.M., Hong H.,  Shen R., Zhang F. 2019. Reduced nitrogenase efficiency  dominates response of the globally important nitrogen  fixer Trichodesmium to ocean acidification. Nature  Communications 10:1521

  3. Zhang F.#, Hong H.#, Kranz S.A., Shen R., Lin W., Shi D.*  2019. Proteomic responses to ocean acidification of the  marine diazotroph Trichodesmium under iron-replete and  iron-limited conditions. Photosynthesis Research 142:17–34  

  4. Shi D.*, Hong H., Su X., Liao L., Chang S., Lin W. 2019. The  physiological response of marine diatoms to ocean acidification: differential roles of seawater pCO2 and pH.  Journal of Phycology 55: 521-533  

  5. Hong H., Li W., Li X., Huang B., Shi D.* 2017. Determination  of glycolic acid in natural seawater by liquid  chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass  spectrometry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods15: 631-641

  6. Hong H., Shen R., Zhang F., Wen Z., Chang S., Lin W., Kranz  S.A., Luo Y.-W., Kao S.-J., Morel F.M.M., Shi D.* 2017. The  complex effects of ocean acidification on the prominent  N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Science 356:  527-531

  7. Hong H., Li D., Lin W., Li W., Shi D.* 2017. Nitrogen  nutritional condition affects the response of energy  metabolism in diatoms to elevated carbon dioxide. Marine  Ecology Progress Series 567: 41-56

  8. Shi D.*#, Li W.#, Hopkinson B., Hong H., Li D., Kao S.-J., Lin  W. 2015. Interactive effects of light, nitrogen source and  carbon dioxide on energy metabolism in the diatom  Thalassiosira pseudonana. Limnology and Oceanography 60: 1805-1822

  9. Shi D.*, Kranz S.A., Kim J.-M., Morel F.M.M.* 2012. Ocean acidification slows nitrogen fixation and growth in the  dominant diazotroph Trichodesmium under low-iron 10. conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of  Sciences of the United States of America 109(45):  18255-18256; E3094-3100

  10. Shi D.*, Xu Y., Hopkinson B.M., Morel F.M.M. 2010. Effect  of ocean acidification on iron availability to marine  phytoplankton. Science 327: 676-679


  1. 环境科学基础实验(二) Environmental Science Lab II

  2. 环境科学前沿与进展 Frontiers and Progress in Environmental Science

  3. English Seminar


  1. 国家杰出青年科学基金(2020-2024):海洋生物地球化学与全球变化

  2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题(2019-2023):海洋荒漠区生物固氮的时空格局、限制因子及对输出生产力的贡献

  3. 国家自然科学基金中以合作项目(2019-2021):全球变化下的海洋初级生产力:海洋酸化对固氮束毛藻及其利用尘埃铁的影响

  4. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(2018-2023):海洋氮循环与全球变化(参与)

  5. 国家重点研发计划项目课题(2016 - 2021):海洋酸化对固碳、储碳过程的影响及其机制

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2016 - 2019):痕量金属镉在海洋浮游植物中的生物功能

  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014 - 2017):铁限制条件下束毛藻对海洋酸化的响应及其机理

  8. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(2013 - 2015):海洋环境生物学


  1. 2020,唐立新奖教金优秀学者奖

  2. 2019,国家高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新领军人才

  3. 2018,福建省高校领军人才资助计划

  4. 2018,第五届中国生态学学会青年科技奖2017,第二十四届运盛青年科技奖

  5. 2015,澳门十大赌博正规官网“我最喜爱的十位老师”

  6. 2014,科技部 “中青年科技创新领军人才”

  7. 2013,福建省“国家级人才计划”

  8. 2012,国家高层次青年人才

  9. 2010,Walbridge Fund Graduate Award in Energy & Environmental Research

  1. 2020, Tanglixin Research Award, Xiamen University,China

  2. 2019, Leading Scientist, National “Wan Ren” Program,China

  3. 2018, Young Scientist Award, The Ecological Society of China

  4. 2017, Young Scientist Award, Yunsheng Youth Foundation,  Fujian, China

  5. 2015, Elected to the “Program for Young Leading Scientists”, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

  6. 2012, Elected to the “Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts of China”

  7. 2010, Walbridge Fund Graduate Award in Energy & Environmental Research, Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University

  8. 2010, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad
